Security Assessment 101: Failed due to Login Enumeration

Wait a second?  Really, I can’t tell my user that they locked out the account.  Yep!!!  For sites containing highly sensitive information like employee information, financial information, etc…  you will fail a security assessment because you are telling a hacker the account is locked out.

Why is that?

The concern is a hacker attempted to login with an account many times.  The hacker gets the “The account is locked out due to 5 failed attempts”.  Now the hacker knows he has a good account name.  One more piece of information that can help that hacker figure out how to get in.  Once the hacker gets a good user name, he can keep trying to hack the account each time it is reset.  Or, he might just use a little social engineering and call your help desk.  Using the URL and account name, the hacker might be able to convince your help desk to change the password without even verifying other information on the account.  Then the hacker has a good account with a good password.  Now your hacked but don’t even know it until it is way too late.  It could be weeks before the real user tries to login and figures out he can’t and then calls the help desk.  By then the hacker could have downloaded anything that user has access to, created another user account, etc…

It is best to avoid showing messages like these to the user:

  • The password is invalid.
  • The account is locked out.

Best Practice

Always show the same response for a failed login:

  • The username and password is invalid.  Please try again.

When a user calls the help desk for a password reset:

  • The help desk must verify information about the user.
  • The help desk should be able to see past history and be able to ask the user when they successfully logged in last time.
  • The help desk should be able to see as much information about any failed login attempts like IP Address, number of failed attempts, etc…  If the failed attempts are out of China but your users are only in a few locations in the United States, well you might have a problem…
  • The help desk should reset the password and send a password reset email to the email account on file.

So solving this problem is not just about coding a secure login page but also letting your help desk understand social engineering and hacking.


KendoUI: Understanding ToDataSourceResult

Using server filtering is rather easy with Kendo UI MVC, unless your new to it.  Then that first couple hours is pretty frustrating untill you find the right article, information and samples.  I have very few gripes with Telerik and Kendo UI but they do have a problem with the Kendo UI Demos.  They do not include enough sample code from controllers and web services.  So hopefully this will help out those newbies to KendoUI.

When would I use this?

Server-side Filtering, Paging, and Sorting with the Grid or ListView.

How to use it?

When would I use this?  Server-side Filtering with the Grid or ListView.

First thing you want to do is add the following the following using statement to you Controller or API Controller:

using Kendo.Mvc.Extensions;

Now, you can easily take advantage of ToDataSourceResult extension method to convert any IQueryable or IEnumerable to a DataSourceResult object.  It will help you page, filter, sort or group your data using the information provided by the DataSourceRequestObject.

Your AJAX action will take one parameter:  DataSourceRequest.

public ActionResult GetAllOrders([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request)

Now in the method, you just call ToDataSourceResult on your IQueryable or IEnumerator.  Pretty simple, although you have to be careful when dealing with large volumes of data o make sure your implementation does not return all the data before applying filter, sorting, and paging.

How is ToDataSourceResult being implemented under the hood by Telerik?  C# Extension Methods.  If you need a refresher, check it out here:

If you want to see the implementation, then use JustDecompile and run it against Kendo.MVC.dll.

Which Kendo UI Widgets

This is meant to be used with the following controls:

  • Grid
  • ListView

Other controls like ComboBox and AutoComplete expect just a simple array and will not work with DataSourceResult.

Does this only work with a ORM?

No, it does not.  Note:  Any IQueryable or IEnumerable so LINQ, List, Dictionary, etc…

Let’s dive into a simple example

In my sample, I have a Domain POCO Class called Order.

public class Order
 public int Id { get; set; }
 public string LastName { get; set; }

 public decimal TotalAmount { get; set; }

 public decimal TotalAmountUsd { get; set; }

 public string OrderCurrencyCode { get; set; }

 public string OrderCurrencyCultureCode { get; set; }

 public DateTime OrderDate { get; set; }

Then I have a Domain Class that contains a list of Orders.  This has data stubbed out for now.

public class Orders
   private readonly List orders = new List();
   private int nextId = -1;

   public Orders()
     Add(new Order() { LastName = "Federer", TotalAmount = 1023.23m, TotalAmountUsd = 400.23m, OrderCurrencyCode = "SEK", OrderCurrencyCultureCode = "sv-SE", OrderDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1) });
     // Add lots of data here........
     Add(new Order() { LastName = "Aikemo", TotalAmount = 1023.23m, TotalAmountUsd = 400.23m, OrderCurrencyCode = "JPY", OrderCurrencyCultureCode = "ja-JP", OrderDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-8) });

 public Order Add(Order item)
   if (item == null)
     throw new ArgumentNullException("item");
   item.Id = nextId++;
   return item;

 public List GetAll()
  return orders;

Then, I have a ViewModel which looks just like my Order class.
public class OrderViewModel
 public int Id { get; set; }
 public string LastName { get; set; }

 public decimal TotalAmount { get; set; }

 public decimal TotalAmountUsd { get; set; }

 public string OrderCurrencyCode { get; set; }

 public string OrderCurrencyCultureCode { get; set; }

 public DateTime OrderDate { get; set; }

In the controller, I have the following Action (Note:  My controller is importing  Kendo.Mvc.Extensions):

public ActionResult GetAllOrders([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request)
   Orders orders = new Orders();
   List orderList = orders.GetAll();
   DataSourceResult result = orderList.ToDataSourceResult(request, 
     order => new OrderViewModel 
       Id = order.Id, LastName = order.LastName,
       OrderCurrencyCode = order.OrderCurrencyCode, OrderCurrencyCultureCode = order.OrderCurrencyCultureCode,
       TotalAmount = order.TotalAmount, TotalAmountUsd = order.TotalAmountUsd,
       OrderDate = order.OrderDate

   return Json(result);

The call to ToDataSourceResult is taking the request information and using that to filter, sort, etc the results and transform them into the ViewModel.  Pretty simple and straightforward.

Finally, in your Razor view you can call your AJAX method which will easily page, filter, sort, etc…

 .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:700px" })
 .Columns(columns =>
 columns.Bound(p => p.Id).Title("Order Id");
 columns.Bound(p => p.LastName).Title("Customer");
 columns.Bound(p => p.TotalAmount).Title("Total Amount");
 columns.Bound(p => p.TotalAmountUsd).Title("Total Amount (USD)");
 columns.Bound(p => p.OrderDate).Title("Ordered On");
 .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
 .Read(read => read.Action("GetAllOrders", "Orders"))

Now the user can sort, page, filter, …

Grid Filtering
Grid Filtering

KendoUI Resources

Here are a couple helpful resources from Telerik:



This is pretty simple once you get the basics down so good luck coding up your solutions with it.

KendoUI: Formatting Dates, Numbers, Currency and Custom Formats

Ever need to format text in JavaScript?  Ok, dumb question.  Everyone has needed that functionality.  Well, if you use KendoUI, Telerik provides a pretty awesome framework for this.  There is a toString method which is documented here.

This method takes three parameters:

  • value –> the Date or Number to be formatted.
  • format –> string to format.
    • n –>  Format as a Number.  If you include a number after the n, then this will denote the number of decimal places.
    • p –> Format as a Percent
    • c –> format as the Currency including the symbol
    • date format like ‘yyyy/MM/dd’
    • Custom Formatter like ’00##’
  • culture –> the name of the culture which should be used to format the value.  If this parameter is not supplied, then the default culture is used

Now, this is pretty AWESOME.  Lets say you need to display a value in multiple currencies and formatted for each currency.

In your page, you need to register each KendoUI culture script.  For this example, let’s reference the following:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

You also need a reference to kendo.core.js.

Now, that you are referencing the cultures you need,  it is pretty easy to format your dates and string in JavaScript.

For instance:

kendo.toString(1234.23, ‘c’, ‘de-DE’)  –>   1.234,23 €

kendo.toString(1234.23, ‘c’, ‘sv-SE’)  –> 1.234,23 kr

kendo.toString(1234.23, ‘c’, ‘en-US’)  –> $1,234.23

This is pretty slick.  You can format the currency based on a culture which comes in very handy in some business application where you might need to display multiple currencies on the same page.

Other places to use this:

  • In a ClientTemplate on a column on a Grid so you could format one column for Swiss Franc then have another column for US Dollars.
  • For formatting date time when displaying multiple dates for more than one culture
  • Allowing the user to pick a culture and dynamically update the formats of the numbers, dates, etc without reposting the page.